I had been following the Futures exhibit, excited to see something like that at the Smithsonian. Very disappointed to hear how it turned out.

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Who are they hiring for curators?

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The best future is one with hoverboards, flying cars, and a weather service that delivers precipitation where needed and on time! 🔙⏰

The Best Time-Travel Movie Of All Time!!


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"...police stops in the US in the name of safety ... could be replaced with photo radar and similar systems."

Just what we need, being spied on even more by our own governments. Big Brother is watching...

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Recently at the Smithsonian history museum. Walked through a baseball exhibit expecting to see Babe Ruth and Stan Musial articles. Instead, an exhibit about island ball players. What? Who spends my money on these exhibits, the collection has so much more.....

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There is another vision of the future. The singularitarian one. In this vision, we don't get the slow steady exponential growth and tech progress of before. Instead it all happens much faster. Once we cross some critical threshold with self improving AI's, that AI invents all sorts of amazing tech, and does it extremely quickly. 2 weeks later the earth has been disassembled and made into a dyson sphere. The dyson sphere is running uploaded human minds, or at least what were once uploaded human minds before a million years of subjective time and prolific mental upgrades.

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I really dislike the giving up leisure for craft idea. To me leisure=freedom. I wonder too how they would find the people to learn crafts anyway, considering the pay would probably be horrific.

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