Excellent interview. Surprisingly intelligent and reasonable for a government guy. Perhaps because he's an engineer. One thing I object to (and it's not his area of expertise): "We have a good regulator". No, we have an awful regulator that has retarded nuclear progress for decades and which, until recently, was headed by someone obviously anti-nuclear. Other countries might like "NRC approved" because it means someone achieved something extremely difficult. The high cost is a result of unnecessarily high safety standards. Every time the technology improves and safety improves, the NRC ratchets up its requirements.

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I did not expect him to attack the NRC

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No, that would too much to expect! However, he might have moderated his praise...

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Oops! When I hear someone tout the "Jobs" associated with an energy source, I get nervous.

And when pointing out fossil fuel substitutes to Nuclear energy generation he did NOT say anything about the lack of Pigou taxation of the CO2 emission externality. And ""costs rose" is not very insightful. Why did costs rise? Was it not excessive regulation?

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