Good article and yes, the impact of cost to orbit reductions is under appreciated. There is also little to no comprehension of the engineering methods successfully utilized by Elon.

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As long as certain people think that government is immune from impure incentives (as long as the right people are elected) and the private sector is not, and consequently the former deserves the benefit of the doubt and the latter does not, this kind of crap from journalists will continue.

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"I mean, the headline is totally accurate β€” it correctly states the basic facts of the launch β€” other than missing the substantive point."

This is why it is so hard for us to communicate the idea of progress to the general public. Even at its basest level, Starship, a rocket twice the size of the Saturn V that took us to the Moon, did what every other rocket in history has done: reached orbit. That should be the headline!

I suspect that editors know that humans naturally seek out negative news and information, so negative framing is required to generate ad revenue.

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