"The EU was taking action to reign in the". Should be "rein in", like horses. A picky point, I know, and "reign in" is likely to become standard, but let's try to respect the metaphor, shall we?

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Let's encourage Americans to remain positive toward risk. We're in danger of losing that. I spend my afternoon at the TSA office waiting a couple of hours in line (government at work!) for my Precheck appointment. Someone brought out a stool to sit on. The lady from the TSA said they couldn't sit on the stool because someone had fallen off one sometime before. Perhaps next year, to look around a store, we will be required to be accompanied at all times.

Seriously, the considerable terror about AI doesn't bode well, along with panics about a very slow rise in global temperature. Substack seems to harbor a large proportion of more adventurous souls. It's a major reason I like being here. Your blog exemplifies this.

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