I would love for you to write about how increased federal R&D might be better targeted than the current methods of handing out federal money. We get some good stuff but we also get a lot of dross . What gets the money to the right places?

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As you acknowledge, what you discuss is not the big horseshoe of totalitarianism, and I guess that nested horseshoes could exist within a two-dimensional space, with populism as a less extreme curve. Having said that, it's more about political style than substance, and you could even have populist libertarians, as long as they talked the blustery sensationalist talk of a populist.

The old Nolan Chart has its limits, starting with its framing. For its writers, liberty defines both axis, but for others who it attempts to classify, it might be other values like equality or stability that matter. And even if you re-name aspects of it, there's still only two dimensions. Plenty of existing positions tease out those scales further. A free-market framework with a decent welfare safety net, for instance, or a permissive culture that lets you practice harmless traditional values in your own life.

One more thing, what is it with Americans assuming a two party system? If you can imagine reconfiguring those existing parties so drastically, you can also imagine several viable parties negotiating with each other, if ever that antiquated electoral system was brought into the present, let alone a possible future.

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