Musk's purchase of Twitter may just be the opening round in a protracted conflict. We are seeing a call for Apple and Google to deplatform Twitter. If Twitter is expunged from iPhones and Androids, much of its value is gone in an instant. Twitter as a curator of acceptable discussion, as an instrument of narrative control, is too valuable to just give up. If it cannot be recaptured, destroying Twitter and destroying Musk will be fallbacks. Interesting days ahead.
Musk's purchase of Twitter may just be the opening round in a protracted conflict. We are seeing a call for Apple and Google to deplatform Twitter. If Twitter is expunged from iPhones and Androids, much of its value is gone in an instant. Twitter as a curator of acceptable discussion, as an instrument of narrative control, is too valuable to just give up. If it cannot be recaptured, destroying Twitter and destroying Musk will be fallbacks. Interesting days ahead.