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I spent 15 years of my career at McDonnell Douglas and Boeing. As an engineer, the complexity makes you wonder how planes ever fly. But they do. And they are incredibly safe. Because of a myriad of back up systems which translates to resilience. The engineering of safe aerospace systems, military and commercial, is apolitical.

I have since been involved in a range of energy, environment, health, and food related innovations. They are similarly complex systems. But also political systems. The best people I know in climate think like the best engineers I worked with. They understand tradeoffs. They understand resilience.

We did a good job engineering aircraft because we were transparent about analysis and results. In areas like food, health and environment, topics like GMO, nuclear, synthetic chemicals quickly become off limit, without analysis. At the same time they are effective solutions to end starvation and assure food security.

I would urge those that fear misinformation, engage rather than suppress. We stopped killing whales when we discovered oil. We will transition from fossil fuels when we develop fusion. We will improve agriculture when we scale precision fermentation.

Neil Young etc. would do more if they focused their outrage on the innovation that obsoletes the status quo.

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